The partnership aims to take advantage of the two resources available in Singapore and Brunei to enhance sustainability business development. We believe Brunei Darussalam has distinctive style in promoting energy management. The country is very keen to preserve the rich nature while understanding the value of energy produced and its use for generations to come. The Brunei government is taking active role in ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and ASEAN Energy Management Scheme (AEMAS) to ensure the country's firm stand in implementing energy management operation among the energy user organisations.
Antris Management Solutions and Dynamic Link Consultant together with EnMS-Doc Associates, as the first collaboration task is to draw participants from Brunei to the planned 3-day ISO 50001 Energy Management System Workshop scheduled in Singapore 23-25 April. The three parties also plan to assist the need of public and private organisation in Brunei to develop and enhance energy management system in line with ISO 50001, and currently evaluating the feasibility to hold such workshop independently in Brunei in the near future.
Companies that consume more than 15 GWh of energy annually, or 1.29 ktoe of energy are designated as the subject of the Act. The criteria need careful assessment by energy users for their designation status. Annual 15 GWh of electricity consumption suggest a significantly large energy user, however, any business unit consuming fuel together with electricity may notice depending on the MWh conversion to ktoe, the designation picture can be quite different. Furthermore the title of Part III includes "domestic" sector which suggest the Act eventually would cover wider ranges of energy users.
Key element of the act is that the designated business unit is required to appoint a qualified energy manager who will be in charge of preparing and submitting periodic energy consumption report, energy efficiency improvement plans, maintaining energy records, training and educating employees,etc as well as to pursue the improvement of energy efficiency in the premises. The act reserves option to inspect the site for the compliance.
The background in enforcing of the act is:
- To help Singapore achieve the target of a 35% improvement in energy
intensity by 2030, from 2005 levels.
- To improve the energy performance of companies and thus making them
more competitive in the global economy.
- To complement existing schemes and capability building programmes
which provide support for companies investing in energy efficiency.
- To ensure a co-ordinated approach to standards setting for energy
efficiency across all sectors.
These suggest that the Act is aiming energy users to enhance their energy management operation. Therefore the Act and ISO 50001 International Standard for Energy Management System can provide synergy effect for the economically sound energy efficiency improvement drive for Singapore to achieve the target.